Hey Bryan! Shouda just gone for the NG tube feeding!
On Apr 19, 8:30*pm, BillyZoom > wrote:
> On Apr 19, 8:16*pm, Bryan > wrote:
> > On Apr 19, 6:20*pm, BillyZoom > wrote:
> > > On Apr 19, 6:45*pm, Gary > wrote:
> > > > Bryan wrote:
> > > > > What would be even more comfortable would be to use gel caps that you
> > > > > take with a sip of water every however many minutes. *If each capsule
> > > > > had 1/2g fat (a mix of a high oleic oil and MCT) and 1/2g whey protein
> > > > > isolate, one could take 2 capsules every 15 minutes for 16 hours of
> > > > > waking time.
> > > > > 576kCal from fat and 256kCal from protein = 832kCal. *Add some
> > > > > indigestible fiber like Sugar Free Citrucel and a multivitamin, and
> > > > > you've got yourself a serious ketogenic crash diet. *Heck, let's throw
> > > > > in 102kCal from 2 shots of vodka, and we're still well under a
> > > > > thousand.
> > > > > Someone should make those capsules. *Way better than a feeding tube.
> > > > You and your buddy John need to chill, imo.
> > > > Now you're talking about eating nothing but gel caps for nutrition and maybe
> > > > a couple of hits of vodka for fun each day? *Don't forget to add a surgical
> > > > sponge in your stomach to absorb water so you will feel full.
> > You didn't read very carefully. *The Sugar Free Citrucel fulfills that
> > role. *I think that such capsules could be an excellent way to shock
> > the system into hardcore ketosis for a week or so.
> > > > I think you should both move back in together again. *Eventually you can
> > > > start eating normal meals again...even the evil carbs...as long as they
> > > > don't come from China!
> > John eats fairly normally. *I stay low carb. *Last Fall I got on the
> > scale at my doctor's office, and it read 203.x. *This morning I got on
> > the scale and it was 165.8. *Add 5 pounds or so for the extra clothes
> > at the doctor's, and the fact that it wasn't first thing in the
> > morning. *That's 32 pounds, and I've actually put on upper body muscle
> > as well--though that might be offset by losing a little leg mass by
> > not carrying around so much weight. *I don't live on supplements.
> > Sure, I use MCT oil every two or three days, but for breakfast I had 5
> > sausage patties and 3 large eggs, with two large iced coffees that
> > included liberal additions of half&half. *For lunch I had a huge
> > Chinese inspired veggie thing that I described in another thread. *For
> > dinner I'll be having spinach from my own garden with melted Gouda
> > cheese sauce, and some chicken breast I smoked a few days ago, and I
> > even put the juice of a small grapefruit and the leftover pulp from
> > squeezing my wife a huge glass of fresh OJ in with my water, vodka,
> > lime juice and sucralose beverage. *That's not a conventional way of
> > eating, but it is perfectly consistent with Atkins maintenance. *That
> > reminds me, I have yet to take my multivitamin, 3 fish oils and 3 milk
> > thistle caps.
> > > > shheez! *;O
> > > See, Bryan? You need to cut that loser out of your life. I assumed you
> > > were strange because of your association with Johny. Now I'm not so
> > > sure. If you ignored him, I think he might disappear. Nobody else even
> > > tolerates him. And by the way, if you don't believe he wants to suck
> > > your cock you're crazy. He's like a 13 year-old girl alternately
> > > fighting with/fawning over you.
> > Dude. *He doesn't want to have sex with me or any other guy. *Why do
> > you equate ****ed up personal dynamics with sexual orientation? *Oh,
> > and The Loser and I don't interact in the real world anymore. *It's
> > kind of funny all of the insulting nicknames folks here have given
> > other folks.
> > Anyway, time to make the cheesy spinach.
> > --Bryan
> I don't base my conjecture that he wants you on anything but his
> behavior here. You obviously don't know very much about *** men if you
> think marriage and children mean anything. He's hanging on your every
> word. He wants the bone.
No. He doesn't. I don't know a whole lot about *** men, though I
know enough to say that they deserve the same treatment as I do as a
hetero. There's nothing wrong with being LGBT. Over the years, if he
had expressed an interest in having sex with me, it would have been
turned down because I find male bodies pretty revolting, in fact far
more than most other completely hetero guys do. It wouldn't have even
made me not want to be friends. It really would have been a "No thank
you" thing. I don't care whether my platonic friends are male or
female, or whether they prefer male or female bodies. That's
Whatever John's reasons are for making sure we won't be friends again,
and stalking me on this NG, only he knows. Perhaps there are aspects
of my personality that just grate on him, and that's understandable,
but why he decided to pick fights with me is a mystery. It's rather
bizarre. We had one falling out years ago, but have been friends
since then, up until the shit you've all seen here.
Cut the homophobic shit out. Being *** is fine, and insinuating that
it isn't by suggesting that when two males have personal conflicts,
that it must be a *** thing is ****ing ignorant, and makes you look
like a bigot.