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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Cooking prime rib

> wrote in message
> Or a rib roast. I have a 4.5 pound certified angus bone in rib roast for
> tomorrow night. Given what it cost me, I'd like it to come out perfect. I
> Googled prime rib cooking and came up with too many different ways. High
> heat,
> low heat, long time, short time. I don't want to experiment with this. Can
> anyone point me in the right direction?Of course, I have a feeling I'll
> get
> those who think high heat, low heat, long time, short time. :-)
> Thanks.

Dry the roast in the fridge for 2-3 days. Keep covered but allow air to
circulate. To cook: oven at 450. Put some water in the pan to keep it from
getting smokey as the fat cooks off. Pat the roast thoroughly with kosher
salt and fresh ground pepper. Use a LOT. I've never found the need for any
more seasoning. Into the oven for 30 minutes then turn down to 325 @ 20
minutes per pound for a medium rare. I like to leave the rib bones on and
then cut free when ready to serve. If you use a thermometer remember to
take the roast our 15 degrees before the target temperature. So 120 in this

> Oh, and another question. I only have one oven. How could I make Yorkshire
> pudding or popovers while cooking the roast with the temperatures required
> so
> different. Or can/should I?

They are not popovers, completely different. Use the roast resting time to
cook the puddings. Have the batter ready 30 minutes before the roast comes
out. Whip air into the egg/milk mixture then add flour but do not mix
aggressively. Start with warm eggs. Remove roast, cover to rest. Raise
the oven temp to 425 while preparing the muffin pan. Add 1 tablespoon of
the fat from the roast to each cup, swirl it around really well and then
into the oven until it is *screaming hot.* Now pour your batter into each
cup, 3/4 full, as fast as you can. I use my Pyrex mixer for this as it is
easy to pour. Back into the oven for 20-25 minutes. The trick is hot hot
hot and more hot. Also, a non-stick muffin pan is best.

Good luck.