Cooking prime rib
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Cooking prime rib
On 4/21/2012 4:25 PM, Kent wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 4/21/2012 9:30 AM,
>>> Or a rib roast. I have a 4.5 pound certified angus bone in rib roast for
>>> tomorrow night. Given what it cost me, I'd like it to come out perfect.
>>> I
>>> Googled prime rib cooking and came up with too many different ways. High
>>> heat,
>>> low heat, long time, short time. I don't want to experiment with this.
>>> Can
>>> anyone point me in the right direction?Of course, I have a feeling I'll
>>> get
>>> those who think high heat, low heat, long time, short time. :-)
>>> Thanks.
>>> Oh, and another question. I only have one oven. How could I make
>>> Yorkshire
>>> pudding or popovers while cooking the roast with the temperatures
>>> required so
>>> different. Or can/should I?
>> You'll have different responses from guys that think their method is the
>> best so the reality is that you'd have to pick one anyway. I won't give
>> you my method because I don't need the grief from people that think their
>> method is the best and my method is stupid. :-)
>> Trust me the only way you'll get any good at this is if you experiment
>> with many roasts. The easiest way to learn is to get an experienced rib
>> roast man to walk you through the process. Tell him there's a free meal in
>> it for him.
> Experiment? At $60 to $100 per roast? Right on.
> What do you do??
> Kent
How else would you go about getting some experience in preparing a
roast? Isn't that how you did it? Ain't that how we all did it? The
reality is that the OP will have to pick one method and try it. Nasty man.
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