Cooking prime rib
On Apr 22, 3:16*am, George M. Middius > wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> > > After that stupid comment you made about "temperature doesn't make a
> > > difference" I have no desire to see what other stupidity you have
> > > recommended. **I* already know how to cook a rib roast (and I of
> > > course have the pictures to prove it).
> > This subject has been covered many times in this group - genius. You
> > like to tell others to search the archives but you can't do the
> > simplest of searches. So much your all your "archiving" of this and
> > other groups on your stinking hard drives. I guess that makes all the
> > shit on your drives worthless. *The king of Usenet strikes out again.
> > I'll let you be the one to endlessly post redundant material. Just
> > don't expect me to.
> I wonder how sqwishy learned to cook in the first place. Certain other
> posters appear learning-disabled.
The reality is that it was a setup to tell me that he wasn't
interested in what I have to say. Nutty as heck. That's the way a guy
with the emotional development of a 6 year old acts. There's a least
one in every newsgroup it seems. This group is especially blessed. :-)
My method was to brown the meat first and then cook at a really low
temperature. This was not received well. That's OK since I tend to
try new things. OTOH, some of the ideas posted to this thread are
interesting and I will try these other methods. .