'96 Chapoutier Cote-Rotie
On Apr 22, 11:25*pm, lleichtman > wrote:
> On Apr 22, 6:51*pm, Mark Lipton > wrote:
> > Hard as it may be to believe, there was a time in the distant past when
> > I considered the pronouncements of Robert Parker to be akin to divine
> > judgment. *Back in those benighted days, I was invited to a conference
> > in Nice and took that opportunity to visit a few choice producers in the
> > Rhone Valley en route to Nice. *Among our visits was the tasting room
> > (that alone should be a beacon of warning) of Chapoutier in Tain, the
> > most Californian of experiences we had during our '98 visit (quite a
> > contrast to chatting with the most engaging Nöel Verset in his cramped
> > cellar space in painfully broken French). *Our only purchase at that
> > visit was a '96 Cote-Rotie that seemed both decent and fairly priced.
> > Last night, with a dinner of pan-seared venison steaks, we opened it:
> > 1996 Chapoutier Côte-Rôtie
> > nose: fair anemic, slightly meaty, hints of berries
> > palate: medium weight, high acidity, drying fruit
> > Overall, had I tasted this blind, I would have guessed that it was a
> > Crozes-Hermitage past its prime, certainly never given much thought to
> > Côte-Rôtie. *How it could be so devoid of aromatic interest, I fail
> > understand. *Decent enough Syrah, but nothing remarkable.
> > Mark Lipton
> Chapoutier seems to have lost its way for me.
Me too although I had a Hermitage blanc from 2006 that was quite good.