On Thu, 26 Apr 2012 13:59:09 -0400, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>On 26 Apr 2012 14:38:38 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>>Do any of you rfc'rs do it? If so, how?
>>I have access to a buncha Mom's old storage containers, some been out in
>>the sun so long they're about to fall apart. Others, newer. Can I
>>utilize these? I can imagine/fab false bottoms and holes. Air
>>circulation. I have most of a 25lb bag o' organic potting soil. Can
>>provide food wastes. I have organic plant food, which is mostly worm
>>casings. Seems to me real worms would be even better.
>I've no idea what old storage containers have to do with composting.
>I've been composting all my life, what do you want to know? The one
>thing people do that doesn't work is buy those silly rotating drum
>thingies... in order to compost whatever you're composting MUST be in
>contact with the ground... off the ground you're fermenting, not
>composting, huge difference. This is the best composter, nothing else
>works nearly as well... it's the only one with a 25 year warranty,
>I've been using mine some 20 years and it's still as good as new, but
>mostly it really works, and I don't need to empty it, when full I just
>lift it off the pile of compost and move it over to a new location.
I keep my composter near my veggie garden: