On Apr 26, 2:05*pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> On 26/04/2012 10:38 AM, notbob wrote:
> > I ate some homegrown tomatoes about 20 yrs ago. *This when mrkt
> > tomatoes were already crap and had been for a long time. *These
> > homegrown tomatoes were astonishing! *Flavor I'd not tasted in 20 yrs
> > before or anytime since. *Unfortunately, grown by ppl from a very
> > remote part of my in-law's family, which soon passed on, so I never
> > really learned the secret. *I wanna rediscover that. *I think good
> > soil is the answer. *Again, got any compost and/or worm fans out
> > there?
> I grew up on home grown tomatoes and really liked them. When I moved out
> and got married and lived in an apartment store bought rubbermatoes were
> the only option most of the time. I have since discovered that my system
> has a problem with tomatoes, but that does not stop me from occasionally
> having a some, but only occasionally. They can be really good,
> especially when fresh from the garden.
> As for composting, we have been doing it for years. I was almost
> disappointed when the town started a recycling and compost program a few
> years ago. We were given a green bin for compost and my wife throws
> everything into that and it gets hauled away. Last week I moved my two
> compost bins and had to empty them. I used the soil to fill in some ruts
> and depressions in the lawn. Damn that was nice earth. We could have a
> lot more of it. Both bins are now empty, but I am going to make a point
> of putting the vegetable stuff into them instead of letting them take it
> away.
Just because your city has a composting program doesn't mean you HAVE
to use it. Mostly it's for people
who DON"T compost.