Special tricks
it worked for my grandmothers, and my mom, Lee
"David Harmon" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 8 Mar 2012 16:59:35 -0800 (PST) in rec.food.cooking,
> spamtrap1888 > wrote,
>>On Mar 8, 4:37 pm, David Harmon > wrote:
>>> I do not like that, I think you will mangle the lid and it will never
>>> seal again. I open jars by holding the base of the jar down flat on the
>>> counter with one hand, then grasping the lid and twisting widershins
>>> with the other hand. How much easier than that could you want it?
>>The political candidates where my MIL lives keep her and us stocked
>>with rubber jar lid mats. These provide a good grip.
> Cool. Do they have pictures of the candidates printed on them so you
> can grab the edges and stretch them into whatever grotesque shape you
> want while you listen to the candidates lie?
>>My mother believed in breaking the suction to help open jars, however.
>>She would bang the lid against our porcelained cast iron sink. I
>>learned to rap sharply on the lid with a butter knife.
> None of this banging, please! A rubber dishwashing glove serves for me
> the purpose of your MIL's mats. In extremis I will hold the lid under
> the hot water tap to expand it.