New trends in donut culture
On 4/27/2012 5:47 AM, Nancy2 wrote:
> On Apr 23, 9:14 pm, "Christopher > wrote:
>> "z > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> I have tried crullers several times-don't like them. They are eggy, they
>>> remind me of popovers with that awful yellow stuff inside, and they are
>>> never crisp enough.
>> I'm not crazy for popovers either. Kind of soggy.
> You don't know how to make them drier, then. After they have baked,
> you put a slit in the top or side, or just open them, and leave them
> in a warm oven to dry the insides. Myself, I like the eggy insides.
> N.
Popovers were a hot food item here a decade ago but you hardly hear
about them anymore. I've made them a couple of times but never
understood the appeal. They're sorta like Jiffy Pop in that they are an
amazing sight to see.