On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 14:03:51 -0800, Mark Thorson wrote:
> No kidding. The lawyers get the big bucks,
> but you can get $20 for filling out a claim form.
> http://nutellaclassactionsettlement.com
Anybody want to start a poll on how much each jar will be worth to the
I'm feeding my Secret Decoder Ring the following information:
1. There are 1,060 hits for "nutella" when searching news.google.com
2. There are about 274 non-California residents in the United States.
3. $2.5 million needs to be given out (it does not matter who).
4. That probably includes postage.
5. You do not have to prove you have bought any nutella.
6. Each person may claim up to 5x damages.
7. There is an online form.
8. Most news stories are reporting that you will receive $4 per jar.
For non-California residents, my SDR is guessing $.375/jar.
California claimants will receive a different amount, probably
slightly lower.
Winner receives a free jar of Duo Penotti.