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Get free $20 for eating Nutella
On 4/28/2012 9:14 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 18:59:58 -0600, Pennyaline wrote:
>> On 4/28/2012 4:29 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 02:48:34 -0500, Sky wrote:
>>>> On 4/27/2012 5:03 PM, Mark Thorson wrote:
>>>>> No kidding. The lawyers get the big bucks,
>>>>> but you can get $20 for filling out a claim form.
>>>> Interesting! My 'current' jar of nutella is marked 'bought 8/29/2009'
>>>> on its lid top. And it's still practically full, too! Do I often use
>>>> Nutella, er, no :/ It is good stuff, though! I just forget that it's
>>>> in the pantry - oh well ;>
>>> You've just excluded yourself from the settlement since you openly
>>> admitted you haven't eaten it, so no damages to your health have been
>>> incurred.
>>> :-)
>> Read it again,. Sky's comment says the jar is "still practically full,
>> too!" Some has been eaten.
>> The conditions for filing a claim say nothing about when or if the
>> product was eaten, only when and where it was purchased.
> <sigh> Yes, I saw what she said. Is your funny bone borken?
My funny bone is fine. Your joke-o-matic needs calibration.