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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Where to buy unflavored cheetos?

On Apr 28, 11:27*pm, socalfusions <socalfusions.
> wrote:

> I've been looking everywhere to purchase or create plain unflavored
> cheeto style corn snacks in order to experiment with various seasonings.
> Has anyone ever seen a source to buy unflavored cheetos from? After
> watching the process in which they are made, which includes some very
> expensive industrial hardware to create the unique shapes of the snack,
> I doubt it can made at home. Any information on the matter would be
> greatly appreciated!

Sorry I can't help you on this. Funny post actually, but also
interesting. It reminds me of a retailer who wants to buy a bunch of
inexpensive plain tee shirts so he can print stuff on them. I'm in
the habit of eating a small 50 cent bag of cheetos almost every day.
Even though I know nothing about how to go about flavoring such an
item, or even if such an item exists, I think for reasons I can't
explain that maybe it would be easier to experiment with those thicker
cheese snacks - the ones that are like cheetos except they're softer
and fluffier - cheese puffs I think they're called. It seems like
they would absorb things easier. Pretty interesting it would be to
walk into someone's home and they come out with a big tray of cheetos,
saying, "Here, have some of these home-made cheetos I just made up."
I suppose it could be done. Sounds like it could be work though.
That's always a turn off for me.
