Question on "White Trash Cooking"
On Mar 18, 1:37*pm, Lenona > wrote:
The sequel was "Sinkin Spells, Hot Flashes, Fits and Cravins." (It has
a lot of recipes for mass gatherings, unlike the first. It also has
long tales by Southerners.)
There are also the books "The Treasury of White Trash Cooking" and
"White Trash Cooking II."
I found out that the main differences between "Sinkin Spells, Hot
Flashes, Fits and Cravins" and "The Treasury of White Trash Cooking"
is that the latter has 138 extra pages of recipes and an extra set of
photos. The former includes fan reviews, including ones from Harper
Lee and the late actress Helen Hayes. It also includes a preface by
the late North Carolina publisher Jonathan Williams.
What I want to know is, what, if anything, is different about "White
Trash Cooking II"?
Just thought I'd ask again. Does anyone know?