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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Onion rings and an onion heart

On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 08:51:51 -0500, John Kuthe >

>On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 09:45:40 -0400, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>>On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 08:11:50 -0500, John Kuthe >
>>>On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 23:29:03 -0400, Cheryl >
>>>>On 4/29/2012 10:08 PM, sf wrote:
>>>>> I think you'll figure it out as you repeat it. Maybe cut them a bit
>>>>> thicker, so they take longer to cook and they'll be more likely to
>>>>> brown.
>>>>I really liked the thin sliced ones. Onion straws. Crunchy and so light.
>>>Thinly sliced onions just result in less but more thoroughly cooked
>>>onion to the amount of breading used. And to get the breading to brown
>>>more, add a little fine sugar or syrup to the batter. It's the sugars
>>>in the batter/breading that carmalizes (browns).
>>>John Kuthe...

>>Actually it's the starch in the breading that browns, browning and
>>caramelizing are different functions.

>Starches are just complex carbohyrates that can be broken down to
>sugars and then carmelized. If you start with simple sugars the
>carmelization occurs faster and more extensively thus more browning.

You have an alibi for everything.

Adding sugar to breading turns the dish to TIAD, especially when deep
fried. Caramelizing is done slowly at a relatively low temperature...
deep frying at onion ring frying temperature will cause sugar to char
before the onions cook. You can't extricate yourself with culinary
BS, Kuthe, you know nothing about caramelizing, or any cookery for
that matter... you can't even spell caramelizing correctly... you
can't even find employment as a nurse or at any occupation, you're a
parasite, a total waste of protoplasm. No one is going to hire
someone as socially inept as you, Kuthe, you can't even admit you are
in error/aplogize for your stupidity... you definitely have the skewed
social graces of a faggot. You must be very difficult to live with,
even Bwrrrryan abandoned buggering your butt. Kuthe, you possess
absolutely no marketable skills... you can try being a sugar daddy at
the faggot bar where they may pay to caramelize your ass. LOL