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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Where to buy unflavored cheetos?

On 4/30/2012 9:06 AM, zxcvbob wrote:
> On Apr 28, 11:27 pm, socalfusions
> > wrote:
>>> I've been looking everywhere to purchase or create plain unflavored
>>> cheeto style corn snacks in order to experiment with various seasonings.
>>> Has anyone ever seen a source to buy unflavored cheetos from? After
>>> watching the process in which they are made, which includes some very
>>> expensive industrial hardware to create the unique shapes of the snack,
>>> I doubt it can made at home. Any information on the matter would be
>>> greatly appreciated!

> I've seen them used as biodegradable packing material -- like Styrofoam
> "packing peanuts" made from puffed starch gel. They don't have much
> flavor at all, but my dog likes them.
> -Bob

I like to freak the kids out by eating that stuff. My guess is that
packing peanuts can be an important part of a balanced breakfast. :-)

My suggestion is that you buy Walgreens brand cheese puffs. That stuff
doesn't have much taste to it. The main problem will be getting the
flavorings to stick to the puffs. I predict that this will be most