trust me when i tell you they will be grateful in years to come, and if you
decide to move to smaller accomodations you will already be half way there,
"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 17:40:24 +0000 (UTC), tert in seattle
>>> > wrote:
>>>>I dislike cleaning and decluttering.
>>> i'd rather clean than de-clutter.
>> I have since learned over the years. People who don't cook know I like
>> to cook and are continually buying me useless gadgets that they assume I
>> will like. It is a lot of those sorts of things I got rid of. I guess I
>> was being like my grandma. She would assume that the person who gave her
>> the item might come into the house and notice it wasn't there. She kept
>> the things she didn't want in a closet and would put them out just before
>> the person was coming to visit. I finally realized that there is no
>> reason to even bring such things into the house. Now when I get that
>> stuff I just put it in the giveaway box. The most recent thing was a
>> microwave potato chip maker. Which I thought was odd because I have
>> never been known to be a potato chip eater. Once in a while I will eat
>> some but I would never go out of my way for them. And I certainly
>> wouldn't bother to try to make them in the microwave.
> I don't think anyone would dare buy me gadgets
I had a massive clearout
> some time ago and I love the space and ease of cleaning.
> The hardest thing to de-clutter was not my gadgets, but my books! But ..I
> don't miss any of them! I kept my absolute favourites and I am happy with
> them. My children were not too impressed because although they have been
> away for years, my house was storage !!!! It is surprising how they don't
> need 'stuff' any more now that they have to take it home
> --