Need kitchen trash can recs
On 5/1/2012 10:07 AM, James Silverton wrote:
> On 5/1/2012 9:42 AM, Storrmmee wrote:
>> lol, Lee
>> ps so they are better than the foot pedals?
>> "Phyllis > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Storrmmee" wrote in message ...
>>> oops meant it to go to whoever posted about them, but was distracted,
>>> the
>>> DH
>>> had just returned from his walk with his bag to the post office. Lee
>>> > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> On Apr 30, 11:59 am, > wrote:
>>> Lee,
>>> You have directed this question to the wrong person. I know nada
>>> about motion sensor trash cans.....
>>> I know about them. When the first one broke after a few years we bought
>>> another. But you find yourself waving your hand over all sorts of lids,
>>> even the commode.
> Yes, I can't see any advantages, only unnecessary complication, for a
> sensor. The foot pedal in my all-plastic OXO kitchen trash container
> works very well and the container was not expensive.
I have had mine (motion sensor trashcan) for about 3 years so far and
never a problem.