Have you tried going out to cooking shops and buying from there, they are
everywhere (well at least in the eastern states)
There arn't a lot of online australian stores for these sorts of things but
the shops do still exsist.
Good Luck
"Hoges in WA" > wrote in message
> "Matt Lobegeiger" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Hi everyone,
> > I want to buy a manual, stainless steel pasta machine/maker. Lot's of
> > american online stores carry Villaware and Arcosteel brands for between
> > and 50 US dollars. I can't find any online store in Australia that
> > them. I'd buy one from an American shop but shipping would cost about 3
> > times the cost of the machine. Can anyone help?
> >
> > I've seen them in Robins Kitchen shops (not online) but only as big sets
> > with all the attachements for $180 AUD. Robins online shop doesn't seem
> > functioning yet.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > thanks very much
> >
> > matt
> >
> >
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> ========
> Does it really have to be on-line? The only one I know of is HomeDirect
> somesuch which has the Marcato Atlas (which I have) for $164!!! That's
> more than I paid for it. I've even seen them in Coles in the Deli section
> on the shelves on the wall at the back for way less than that.
> Hoges in WA
> Remove the zeds.