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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Where to buy unflavored cheetos?

On May 1, 11:43*am, Sqwertz > wrote:

> Self-control is your own problem. *And yes, you've shown us many times
> that you lack it, Toothless Joe. *I think you have a lot more to worry
> about rather than difference between 1 ounces of Cheetos and 2.
> BTW: Those are the crunchy Cheetos rather than the puffy Cheetos,
> right?

I go for both but prefer the crunchy ones (even with the 5 missing
molars. They're hard on the outside (like some people), but soft once
you go to work on them. I eat really healthy food. I do it purposely
so I can drink now and then and also eat junk like cheetohs. I'm not
alone. A lot of distance runners got into it so they could drink more
beer. No kidding. I only drink once a week now as the hangovers seem
to hang over a lot longer than they used to. I smoke pot but every so
often if I'm going to spend the night around people who drink and get
loud and repetitive, I find myself needing to drink in order to put up
with the stupidity - my own included.