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On May 2, 4:53*am, dsi1 > wrote:
> Them counselors can be a real pain in the butt. Some of them ain't so
> bright I think. As far as humor being used as a defense mechanism, "It's
> either that or a baseball bat - pick one." seems to be as good a
> response as any.
> I write some goofy stuff that most folks assume is made up. The real
> funny part is that it's all true - mostly.
As I told someone else just yesterday, if my stuff is true it
requires no embellishment. A lot of stuff that people think I'm
making up is true. But when I look at the fake stuff I write - the
insane scenarios, really outlandish stuff - it seems obvious to me
what others would think is real and what is false. But I guess that's
not always the case.
Of course you're right about the counselors - they're mostly ex
junkies (not that there's anything wrong with that) - but even more so
they're just very bureaucratic and as a rule, you're right, they know
nothing. I'll tell you something else about the counselors at that
detox - they were all obviously ***. Again, not that there's anything
wrong with that...................but -
But, for my 3 day stay we had to attend many meetings, all of
which I hated and all of which were full of mostly bullshit - but to
make it even worse the *** counselors trotted out a documentary film
about the making of an AIDS Blanket. They explained that AIDS can
come from promiscuous sex (which can come from drinking and using
drugs - and that therefore the documentary we're about to see is to be
viewed in that regard and not as a documentary about *** people. But
that was total bullshit. The stupid movie had nothing to do with
promiscuous sex or with warnings about AIDS (not that I or anyone in
attendance needed any) - no, it was just a documentary about the
people who weaved the blanket, mostly *** - and it was in fact nothing
more than a *** pride movie - and as we watched it the counselors
watched along pridefully yet with one eye on the crowd to see who
might not be watching - because to not go along with the program
means you're out of detox, and at that time I felt I needed another
day. The film had nothing to do with drugs or promiscuity, it was all
about them - all about the counselors and their extended *** family.
I don't even like the word counselor - which is probably one more
reason why I forced them to boot me out of school for good at age 15.
Thanks again,