Thread: Composting
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Composting

Sqwertz wrote:
> On Wed, 02 May 2012 16:45:16 -0400, Gary wrote:
> > I seriously doubt that's true. Someone must be making the antidote still
> > even if the original company gave it up.

> Or you could just STFW and find out for yourself before you call me a
> liar.
> -sw

Humble apologies, Steve, for the mis-interpretation. It sure sounded like
that in written word though. ;o

Picture us talking in person:
Steve: No more coral snake antivenom, Gary
Gary: I seriously doubt that's true...

I wasn't saying it's not true or calling you a liar, I just find the fact
inconceivable. I did look it up though and of course it's right. I never
doubted your statement, I just couldn't believe that it's happened.

I did read though that foreign companies still make it but the cost of the
licensing here in the US is prohibitive????

No more antivenom here? I'll bet you if the current or past presidents got
a coral snake bite, plenty would show up right away.

If I rushed my child to the hospital with a coral snake bite.....and they
told me my child might die...."oh there's a perfect antivenom but they don't
make it anymore"... you can damn sure believe I would sue someone. Probably
Nutella for their fake health claims.
