Thread: papaya
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Bigbazza[_46_] Bigbazza[_46_] is offline
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Default papaya

"Jim Elbrecht" wrote in message

I don't think I've ever eaten papaya before. But the market had a
sale & there was an nice looking ethnic lady looking them all over, so
I asked her if she could give me some pointers on picking a good one.

Followed the rules of most melons with soft/color, sniff test, no
blemishes. . .

And it was easy to find a 'perfect one'. So with high hopes, as soon
as I got home I sliced off a bit. The color and texture had me
even more convinced that *this* was the perfect papaya.

Then I ate a piece. Mmmmm. . . smooth, sweet. . . . dirty socks.

Daughter says it tastes good. I can't get the 'dirty sock' taste
out of my mouth.

Papaya joins scotch, cilantro, avocado and EVOO in the
tastes-good-to-others-but-not-to-me category. Bummer. If I could
get past the dirty socks taste there seems to be a good flavor back
there someplace.

Any thoughts on how to cover it? Salt? strawberries? vinegar?

I've got a nice big ripe papaya that it would be a shame to waste.


The best way to get a perfect Papaya (in Oz they are called Paw Paw's) is to
pick them off the tree fully grown and 'Ripe'.....When I used to visit my
friends in Queensland's 'Sunshine Coast' I used to love them for adding to
Breakfast Cereal with creamy milk ....We would go out on the top porch and
having a Papaya Tree right up close to the balcony, we would pick them and
proceed downstairs to the Breakfast room and indulge....Yummy.....

The one's bought in a shop/supermarket were always 'iffy'.... Because they
were picked green and sent off to market to ripen on the way....They weren't
nice....So, best ripened on the tree and eaten the same day or two....

Barry Oz