Not all Supermarket Clerks are Stupid :) and Walmart
Julia Altshuler > supplied in message
news:7sxHc.56806$Oq2.9224@attbi_s52 after maxine in ri wrote:
> > My husband asks for black coffee, and the
> > dingos behind the counter at hortons or
> > honeydew ask him if he wants cream and
> > sugar with that. All the time.
> >
> You can bet that the folks behind the counter have
> run into a few hundred customers who ask for black
> coffee and then, when given black coffeee, demand
> cream and sugar. So now the waitresses check
> which sort of black coffee the customer wants.
Two thoughts to this: 1) The "dingos" are supplying a subtle
warning about said coffee or 2) those "few hundred" customers have
found that sludge coffee /needing/ those additives after a single
_The_ worst coffee I've ever had was a "fresh" pot (I watched the
server make it) at Lyon's in Tracy. Even after I added sugar and
cream to cut the foul taste it was still undrinkable.
The Ranger