On May 4, 4:27*pm, zxcvbob > wrote:
> Doug Freyburger wrote:
> > notbob wrote:
> >> Steve Freides > wrote:
> >>> Anyone cooking with this sorghum flour or sorghum in any other form ....
> >> I didn't even know sorghum could be milled as a flour!
> > To my knowledge it was only used as livestock feed until gluten free
> > became popular in recent years. *Like millet but even more so.
> > I've seen millet in the bulk bins at health food stores. *I have not yet
> > seen sorghum grain anywhere but sacks of seed at country seed stores.
> > As seed stock tends to be impregnated with insecticide it would not be
> > usable as food.
> > In my other post I remarked that ale made from sorghum is nasty but mead
> > is fine. *Likely that's ale brewed from malted sorghum grain versus mead
> > brewed from the syrup.
> Malted (sprouted) sorghum is poisonous. *So don't try making wheatgrass
> juice using sprouted sorghum, or putting the sprouts on your salad.
> I assume sorghum ale is brewed with high-enzyme barley malt with sorghum
> as an adjunct.
Ten million Africans can't be wrong:
They mill the sorghum into flour right after malting (see the flow