Menu for Saturday dinner
On May 5, 11:40*pm, Cheryl > wrote:
> On 5/6/2012 12:08 AM, Bryan wrote:
> > That's real down home cookin'. *I've had garden spinach lately, and
> > tomorrow I'm going to make a huge amount of cheesy spinach with
> > Gouda. *I bought 9 chickens for the deep freeze today, and then
> > stopped by the same store tonight, and they were out of them so I got
> > a rain check. *Whole chickens at 68 cents a pound. *For years I've
> > wanted to make BBQ chicken for the whole staff at work. *They've got a
> > pretty large grill there I could use. *I could do it on one of my days
> > off. *For sides I could make mashed potatoes/carrots with chicken
> > gravy (using the backs and necks for the gravy), and green beans with
> > bacon, with blackberry fool for dessert using some of the giant haul
> > of blackberries I'll be getting in a few weeks. *My coworkers are so
> > nice. *It'd be a real joy to get to make them lunch.
> That sounds really nice! *I'm sure they will appreciate it and love you
> for it. *My brother is growing spinach in his garden. *I can't wait to
> taste fresh grown spinach. I always buy the spinach in a bag and always
> keep frozen spinach because I love it so much.
Truthfully, spinach ships well, and I haven't noticed much of a
quality difference between my home grown and the supermarket spinach
when cooked. Both are better than frozen, which is good too. My wife
and I love the Gouda cheese sauce (nothing but cheese and cream) with
spinach. Washing home grown is a chore, but kind of a fun one, since
it only happens in Spring. Spinach and lettuce are ridiculously easy
to grow.