I made a decent veggie stock yesterday
On May 5, 8:40*pm, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> The solids to liquid ratio is really a matter of taste... you can
> always reduce your stock to amplify its flavor, and sometimes a less
> robust stock is desired. *Personally I prefer more concentrated meat
> stocks but I like lighter vegetable stcoks.
Matter of taste? I have no taste, that's why I asked the
question. Yes, I too prefer a more concentrated stock. I do the same
with beans, cook them down so much that when served later water has to
be added. The reason for my question is that I don't want to go
through a stock making process and wind up with too little of it. But
I've got a decent imagination and I'm sure I'll work it out. I will:
reduce my stock to bring out the flavor - which later I alone will
egotistically savor - whether good, whether bad, doesn't matter what
some others think - I'll know it's ok, 'cause the stuff I make - it
never stink.
Thanks for the help,