Cheese and wine
Il 06/05/2012 17:58, Wang Xu ha scritto:
> I want to try cheeses and wine, but because I have a few knowledge on
> them, it is very difficult to choose how to try them. I find one book in
> amazon "Cheese & Wine: A Guide to Selecting, Pairing, and Enjoying". It
> seems good, but one customer wrote that this book is not a good choice.
> Another book is "The Cheese Companion: A Connoisseurs Guide".
> Could you give me some suggesion/references to start to try cheeses and
> wines?
One important thing: find a book which talks about cheeses you can find,
otherwise you could be disappointed by the fact that some cheeses are
impossible to find in your area. Nowadays food travels a lot but it's
not always easy to find things. Wine is another story, it stores much
better than cheese and ha less trouble with import / export laws, thus
it is far easier to find foreign quality wines than foreign quality cheeses.
And the Family Stone
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