Which is better?
On Mon, 07 May 2012 22:47:02 -0700, sf > wrote:
>On Mon, 07 May 2012 12:55:22 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> wrote:
>> On Mon, 07 May 2012 09:44:42 -0700, sf > wrote:
>> >On Mon, 07 May 2012 06:33:04 -0600, Janet Bostwick
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Sorry, I forgot to mention. I can easily do the ice cream in the
>> >> Ninja.
>> >
>> >I saw that on the internet Ninja ad. The recipes I read made it sound
>> >less easy than the advertisement made it seem. So, what's the real
>> >truth?
>> I think my Ninja came with a cookbook -- they all don't. I'll look
>> for you later, I'm on the way to an appt. right now. With this ice
>> cream, it's probably proportions that count. I haven't done it since
>> last summer, but I get the frozen strawberries from Costco. A lot of
>> them are 'huge' so I cut them in half vertically. Then you simply put
>> berries in the vessel, cover with cream, half and half or the milk of
>> your choice and I add about a serving spoon of sugar (optional).
>> Again, sweetener of your choice. Turn the Ninja on. Probably pulse
>> it a couple of times and then let her rip until thick and smooth. I
>> make my smoothies the same way, so sometimes they are sweeter and
>> sometimes not so much. I haven't looked for any recipes for the ice
>> cream so I don't know what embellishments some cooks have applied.
>> I've accidentally made coffee-chocolate ice cream when making a
>> smoothie. Ice, cold coffee or instant coffee, chocolate syrup,
>> sweetener and ice. What I like about this kind of ice cream is that I
>> really am not a huge fan of ice cream. If I or my husband gets a
>> craving, it is a matter of a couple of minutes and we are sitting down
>> to a bowl. I think it's like anything else in the kitchen. Once you
>> get the hang of the process you can do anything you want.
>> Janet US
My cookbook, Bob Warden's Ninja Master Prep Cookbook has the following
recipes for frozen desserts.
"Soft Serve" Ice Cream
Frozen Chocolate Custard
Banana Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Coconut
Mocha Madness
Caramel Nut
Orange Sherbet
Frozen Yogurt
Blueberry Cinnamon
Chocolate Raspberry
Pumpkin Pecan
Preparation for these various desserts is everything from traditional
custard prep that becomes frozen ice cubes that is then whizzed
through the Ninja to the very simplistic strawberry that you and I
have seen on TV. Nothing seems complicated I would try some of these
other recipes out this summer but I'm going to have to do surgery on
my arm again and that will put me out of business for 9-12 weeks. If
you decide to go with the Ninja, we can make arrangements for me to
either snail mail or fax to you. I will shortly be out of the typing
Janet US