Thread: Cheese and wine
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Default Cheese and wine

On 2012-05-08 18:14:51 +0000, Steve Pope said:

> sf > wrote:
>> I had to look up Aglianico. Never heard of it before.

> Yeah, it's only one of the most important wine grape varieties
> on the planet.

Heck yeah! After Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chenin Blanc,
Chardonnay, Shiraz, Barbarrossa, Pinot Noir, Reisling, Muscat,
Grenache, Pinot Grigio, Prosecco, Sauvignon Blanc, Lambrusco, Merlot,
Montepulciano, Nebbiola, San Giovese, Gamay and Semillon, it's
definitely on a list that includes the other grape varieties which
currently exist on the planet.

I just checked at at the local mega-wine store ( they
have a whopping FIVE bottles--and that's five DIFFERENT bottles!

I'm curious to know what makes Aglianico important; that it's so old
historically? It's certainly not world-wide awareness and volume of