Caramels with flavor
On May 2, 1:52*am, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> On Apr 30, 11:28*pm, John Kuthe > wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 22:53:36 -0400, "Christopher M."
> > >But some companies combine chocolate and caramel to make something called
> > >"chocolate caramel". "Chocolate caramels" don't taste like either chocolate
> > >or caramel to me. I don't get it.
> > >There's plenty of other great flavors for caramels, like butter rum, maple,
> > >and maybe raspberry.
> > I make raspberry caramels as one of my Christmas Candies. They are now
> > my grand-nephew's favorite, he told me this year. :-) others like them
> > a lot too. They are one of my standards:
> * * The frustration that marketing brings to us is evident in all
> things, not just food. *It seems many simple good things are taken
> away, then returned years later under a fancy name along with a fancy
> price tag. *Athletic shoes are the worst. *Yes, it looks like in order
> to get what you want these days you're going to have to learn how to
> make it yourself. *While you're making the caramels you miss and can
> no longer find, I will be making my own shoes out of a truck tire and
> velco straps. *Just kidding, but I am stressed by shopping for
> athletic shoes for my pounding walks.
You can't make decent shoes yourself, and as averse as I am to
spending money unnecessarily, I happily spend the money for custom
made pedorthics. If you do "pounding walks," you should consider
them. No one I know has considered them a waste of money.
> It's like if you find something
> you like and you've got the cash, you better buy a bunch of it and
> rent a locker somewhere to store it because you can bet your ass it
> won't be there next time you go looking for it.
Several years ago I bought an extra NIB/NOS Cuisinart Little Pro Plus
off of eBay. Old Corning Ware Permaceram is available there too.
Pricey, but they don't make that anymore, and haven't since the
> TJ