Are You Fickle About Pickles?
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 8 May 2012 07:41:59 -0700, gtr wrote:
>> On 2012-05-08 04:55:02 +0000, Jean B. said:
>>> I do have some Vietnamese pickles. Does that partially absolve me?
>> What would that be? Like the carrot/daikon sweet pickle thing?
>>> Herring I haven't had for far too long....
>> If there's not a jar in my fridge, there's a thief in my house.
> CostCo still has some of this years batch. $4.25 for 26 ounce jar.
> can't beat that. Regular grocery stores sell it $6/12 ounce jar.
> Usually Costco only carries it starting in November until it runs out.
> This year it seems to be on the shelves even longer.
> -sw
I am probably going on a Costco mission in a few days (the sales
don't kick in until Thursday). Anything else I need to look for?
Jean B.