Are You Fickle About Pickles?
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 08 May 2012 19:24:37 -0400, Jean B. wrote:
>> Actually, the canning jar's label says it is Fresh Vietnamese
>> Relish. I guess the strips of veggies made me think it was
>> pickles. It contains cucumber, carrot, garlic, red pepper, sugar
>> and salt. The lack of vinegar and the presence of sugar make me
>> wonder why I got this. Probably because it was Vietnamese, and
>> I'd never seen such a thing before.
>> Now, perhaps Barb or someone else who is into preserving can tell
>> me... The liquid now only halfway up the solids. Is this safe to
>> eat? Note that the sugar comes right before the salt in the
>> ingredient list, and there is not much visible red pepper.
>> BTW, the visual appeal is enhanced by the presence of both
>> crinkle-cut carrot and straight strips.
> You can't trust imported Asian food labels worth a damn. It probably
> does have vinegar in it, just not listed. Or else it was salt
> fermented/cured, which means it created it's own acids (such as in
> half-sour pickles).
> As long as the veggies are not discolored, I'd bet it's OK. They will
> probably have a different texture (limp) the stuff not soaking in the
> brine.
> -sw
This was not imported from Asia. I must have gotten it at some
Asian venue. By now I have no idea where. It looks like a
home-canned product.
Jean B.