Are You Fickle About Pickles?
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 8 May 2012 16:31:27 -0700, gtr wrote:
>> Hmm. I've never seen a commercial product like that. But there are a
>> lot of open buckets with pickles in them in the back of a number of the
>> local Vietnamese supermarkets. The stench back there is so very
>> intense and the Vietnamese-only labels keep the mystery complete.
> I'd be all over those. At least once each. That's how I learned most
> of my Asian foodstuffs - "buy now, eat soon, ask later". I used to
> get stuff even my Vietnamese and Chinese cow-orkers couldn't even
> identify.
> -sw
Cool. Someday, I need to trek to Lowell, Mass. again. Lots of SE
Asians live there, so one can find unusual things. Oh, BTW, I
found kaffir limes at a non-Asian place a few months ago. I had
only seen ONE in a store MANY years ago and one on my tree (which
some animal stole). That reminds me. I need a new tree. A
friend killed off the last one, which I had farmed out for the
winter because I lacked a nice sunny place for it.
Jean B.