Dr Beans
On 2012-05-09 23:32:08 +0000, John Kuthe said:
> I make a big batch at a time and start with 1/2 bag of black beans, 1
> bag each of black eyes peas, garbanzos and red kidney beans. Rinse
> then soak overnight, drain, cook in water only for 1/2 our or so,
> drain and replace water and add 5 beef boullion cubes, 8 ox can of
> tomato paste, 1/4 cup brown sugar, dollop of molasses, black pepper,
> paprika, cayenne, bay leaf, and 3 chopped red onions I sweated in
> bacon grease from 6 or 7 strips of bacon, which I cook while the beans
> are cooking, then I crumble and add the bacon last and cook for
> another 1/2 hour covered.
I got a number of bags and half-bags of beans that have been
malingering in the pantry. I think I'll take a way left turn on the
above and see what happens.