In article <2012050918535666689-xxx@yyyzzz>, gtr > wrote:
> On 2012-05-08 03:55:41 +0000, gtr said:
> > On 2012-05-08 03:17:18 +0000, Jean B. said:
> >
> >> I've never liked sweet pickles, and really hate it when someone puts
> >> them in tuna salad or especially in potato salad since it pretty much
> >> ruins it for me.
> >>
> >> Same here. Yuck! And it happens so often.
> >
> > Can't say I've ever had much of these. So I'm willing to try. I just
> > pickled some green beans using Samuelsson's 3-2-1 pickle. 3 Cups
> > water, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup vinegar. I've never put sugar in a pickling
> > before.
> Okay, debrief:
> For reference, it's Marcus Samuelsson's pickling from his book Aquavit
> as found various places including he
> I only had raw organic cane sugar so its the shade of ice tea. Not so
> appealing. The okra I picked up at the Indian market when I got the
> falafel mix*. It was really pretty and had no age spots. Looked very
> fresh and much better than I usually see in the non-ethnic
> supermarkets. It is, though, the toughest most fibrous okra I may ever
> have had. I'm beginning to doubt its species.
> Someone said I should parboil the green beans. Yes, I should have.
> So they were both failures. The pickling though, was pretty nice and
> not hardly so sweet as I feared it might be. I wonder if that's due to
> using unprocessed raw sugar being less pushy?
> I don't know if I'm violating a basic rule of pickling, but I intend to
> fish out the string beans and okra and dunk a number of slabs of
> cabbage and see what I get for my effort.
> * I know that falafel is not an Indian dish, but the store sells falafel mixes
Are these for refrigerator storage? Current recommendations for the
brine would have his too weak for safe waterbath processing ‹ it doesn't
sound like processing was involved in this recipe; the folks who do the
research now want us to use at least equal parts of vinegar and water,
not more water than vinegar. My family's pickle recipe is two parts
water to one part vinegar, though.
Barb, September 5, 2011