Jinksy wrote:
> Does anyone know the best way to find second-hand copies(because she's
> out-of-print or silly prices from what I can tell)of any of Mireillle
> Johnston's books.
> I taped her BBC series - well, the programmes that were repeated a few
> years ago - & I have read her obituary. She was quite a woman,
> obviously, but to me she epitomises the French experience. Her
> accent, her enthusiasm, her knowledge, her appearance, are all things
> that make her/made her such a fascinating presenter.
> I want to try to find her cookery books to complement the tapes but
> also because I want to cook like her & I plan to move to France in a
> couple of years time.
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Thanks, Jane
Hi Jane,
Some books are reasonable from used book dealers on B&N.
Otherwise I'd reccomend talking to the used/antiquarian booksellers in
the area and letting them put the titles and prices you are willing to
pay on their wants list.