Bad restaurant coffee (was: Not all Supermarket Clerks are Stupid :) and Walmart)
"sf" > wrote in message
> I don't know what you call bad coffee, but coffee colored
> water is the worst type in my book. I want it STRONG.
> Don't eat at Lyons or IHOP, but the Denny's I've come in
> contact with make passable coffee... the flavor is okay, but
> it's still weak.
> AFAIC: Most people don't drink "real" coffee and that's why
> it's so weak in most places.
Amen! Haven't they learned that you can always add water to strong coffee to
make it weaker but there's nothing you can do to make it stronger?
While I don't want to have to chew my coffee, I would prefer my spoon just
list rather than fall over when I leave it in the cup. ;o)