Need big iceberg lettuce!
but you are wrong, if you were correct the program i was on for thirty days
at 400 calories a day would have lost me a lot of weight not 1/2 lb for the
entire month, and no i didn't cheat, Lee
"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Bryan wrote:
> <snip>
>> I don't think that Gary is hopeless. He just doesn't get it. The
>> CICO idea is pervasive, and folks who don't have much reason to care
>> about bodyfat easily buy into it. Unfortunately, they spread that
>> erroneous attitude to others.
> Here's a comment for both you and Marty. You are both on me for spreading
> erroneous advice. What about you two? Where are your references to prove
> I'm wrong. Just as likely that you two are wrong.
> Bryan, I know your diet is working and great that it is. Actually, any and
> all diets work if you stick to them. My only issue with you is the high
> fat
> content and very low carb content of your diet. You listed it an previous
> thread a few days ago. I do realize that a high fat meal will keep you
> satisfied longer than a high carb one. I just question the long term
> health
> of a high fat diet. I just invite you to read everything you can on such a
> diet and not just go by Dr.Atkins and his followers.
> Marty, I'm having a hard time debating you. You keep saying I contradict
> what I previously said. I look back at all my comments and it's the same
> with different wording. To me, the CICO is the only way to lose weight
> and
> it actually *is* a math thing. Evidently, I don't express my ideas so well
> to leave you two confused.
> One thing about usenet I've found. I'm always happy to get into a
> constructive debate about conflicting issues. Sadly though, it usually
> turns
> to name calling fairly quickly. For any of us to state our entire case is
> hard in an individual post.
> Let me try to state my bottom line again and tell me what you think:
> Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in.
> You can do that by reducing extra calories from food and beverages
> and increasing calories burned through physical activity.
> Gary