"Julie Bove" wrote:
> "Brooklyn1" wrote:
>> "Julie Bove" wrote:
>>>My daughter really loves this soup
>>>the ingredients:
>>>Beans, water, pulp of tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, onion, sea salt,
>>>garlic, parsley , chili pepper, rosemary, rice syrup from organic farming.
>> you can make exactly the same thing by adding canned beans to any jarred
>> pasta sauce of your choice.
>I just wanted to recreate that because my daughter
>actually likes that and she doesn't like most bean soup.
>I didn't want to make a big pot of soup only to have her not like it.
Then WTF are you bothering people?!?!?
After reading how picky an eater your daughter is I strongly recommend
you just spring for a couple of jars... don't buy too many as there is
a very good chance that the very next time your daughter won't like
it.... and you'll probably find something wrong with it too and have
to donate it to the food bank.
I just thought of the remedy for your problem, have a surgeon insert a
port into both yours and your daughter's stomachs, then you can be
tube fed with a formula, you'll never again have to taste anything.