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On May 13, 2:40*am, spamtrap1888 > wrote:
> Goon squad secrets revealed he
I can't access youtube (and boy am I glad). Well, maybe not glad
exactly, but I can live without it. I'm sorry I can't access it and
return with my opinion. The name 'goon squad' has always made me
laugh. I picture a squad as something large enough that it doesn't
have to hide and just bulldozes it's way through things. But it's not
big enough to take an army, or even the cops, although come to think
of it, cops themselves are maybe the biggest goon squad of all.
Anyway, even without youtube I appreciate your post because I see
humor in the title alone - "goon squad secrets revealed here". Now I
can picture the FBI and the CIA and other operatives scanning that
site to see who goes there looking for the secrets. These are the
potential goons of the future. The site is a hoax, I found that out
yesterday from a CIA buddy who told me they set up the sight to catch
future goon squad people. Pretty tricky. I have never belonged to a
goon squad, but I did once belong to a goof squad, and in fact am
head squad-commander for my local goof squad chapter.
In the end, the goofs will take the goons,