Cotton Candy :-)
What a fun thread this turned out to be-your youthful adventures are
My cotton candy took quite a long time to eat, was ever so satisfying,
had to lick my fingers after each bite. So would you believe there are
only 118 calories in it (according to Wikipedia.) Ignoring the carbs as
I am wont to do :-) it was fat-free guilt-free low-cal long-lasting
Did you know it was originally called Fairy Fluff and a dentist (!)
helped invent it? nYou can actually make it with sugar free candies to
reduce the counts :-)
Stove top yes-the Alton Brown video was the best I thought-I even have
that same grill rack to spin my web so to speak. Just google homemade
cotton candy.
ps those tigers were exceedingly healthy looking. I did feel sorry for
the dogs and the ponys. The two large elephants I wasnt close enough to
see well and I left at intermission which was 90minutes into their
show-you get your moneys worth if you can stand sitting on an old wooden
bleacher outside for 3hrs. It was literally a three ring open air circus
and included trapeze high wire etc. I don't see how they can make any
money though-maybe 300 people in attendance?