On 2012-05-16 07:58:19 +0000, ViLco said:
> gtr wrote:
>> For a number of years I've been in endless experiments with many
>> vermouths, which no longer includes Martini & Rossi extra dry--the one
>> you find every where. Actually I don't like anybody's "extra dry",
>> just bitter and flat tasting.
> A very good vermouth is the french Noilly Prat, expecially the red.
I prefer the dry, but like them both. Now I'm starting to use Dolin a
lot now. I use Lillet too, though some quibble about whether it's a
vermouth, and then we get into long tedious conversations regarding
what is a vermouth and what isn't.
For the record the "Extra Dry" Dolin is just as bad as the Marini & Rossi.