Dr Beans
On May 16, 12:33*pm, Doug Freyburger > wrote:
> I also think it's the salt.
> I tried to duplicate Popeye's red beans and rice for a while. *I kept
> doctoring it with this and that. *It rapidly got to the point where I
> was adding more and more salt and it finally started to approach what I
> had at Popeye's. *I added as much salt as I would dare and it seemed
> like I would more than double that amount ot get there. *Vast quanties
> of salt.
It's funny, when I asked them to send the nutrient info I'm not
sure if I bothered looking at the salt content if it was listed at
all, I can't remember. But almost all fast food and cafeteria food is
loaded with salt, which sometimes cannot be tasted, by me at least,
but shows up later as dryness of the mouth or desire for liquid. I
don't like gobs of salt. I liked the popeye's beans and rice and I'm
not challenging your salt content theory. I'm sure it's very high in
salt, but I have to believe there's somebody who was brought up on
similar stuff who can make it without dousing it with salt. Of course
there's bacon in it, so even made at home that's a good head start in
the salt department. I have a feeling I would still like their beans
and rice if they somehow removed half the salt. But I don't know that
for sure, so I'll shut up on this one for now. There's no popeyes
around here anyway, so in a selfish way I don't care as much as I
would if they had one around.