Dr Beans
On May 16, 11:12*pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
notbob > wrote:
> So, you will let a falsehood become a truth just because a famous
> person said it?
> How unprincipled.
That kind of thing takes place in political "discussions" more than
any other - quoting this person or that as the final word on the
subject. It's hard sometimes not to discuss something without using
examples. But it's dangerous. You're talking about one thing, then
you bring in some famous person as an example, and before you know it
the discussion is all about the famous person. I try not to use
examples, but it's easy to slide into it sometimes. This reminds me
of a scene from Marine bootcamp with one drill sargent standing over a
grunt and ordering him to dig a ditch only to have another drill
sargent demand to know what the dirt is doing on his hole. That's the
way it is when Prudhomme tells me to do it one way and Lagasse tells
me another. Who's the real authority here? Me, that's who. And you
too. Cook the beans any damn way you want. I'm not sure there is a
right way. There might be one big wrong way, but there's probably
more than a few right ones.