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Default "Joy of Cooking": Where are the recpies?!?

"Paul M. Cook©®" > wrote in

> "Wayne" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Paul M. Cook©®" > wrote in
>> :
>> > I'm just curious here. I have both JC and NJC. Am I the only one
>> > who has consistent bad results with their recipes and techniques?
>> > I mean I fancy myself an able cook, not a chef by any means, yet I
>> > always seem to have to make a JC recipe a couple of times and make
>> > changes to it to get it to come out right. I have so much better
>> > success with other cookbooks it seems.
>> >
>> > Paul
>> >

>> Must be you, Paul. <G> I've used an early 70's edition for years and
>> have absolutely never had a problem or failure, save a few that were
>> in fact my own fault.

> Maybe it's my stove? Yeah, that's it.
> Paul

Now, a serious question... Can you be more specific about the kinds of
trouble you've been having with JOC recipes? Which recipes, what kinds
of food, what preparation methods, etc.? I or someone else here may have
some insight as to what's going wrong for you.


Wayne in Phoenix

If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.