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spamtrap1888 spamtrap1888 is offline
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Default Pink Slime Part II

On May 17, 12:53*pm, "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds" <atlas-
> wrote:
> I'm sure that there is the equivalent for pork and chicken, why no outrage?

Who eats ground pork? And, unlike cattle, chickens do not contain any
mostly fatty lumps with a little meat inside.

Further, while ground pork is used in a variety of sausages, if pink
slime went only into hot dogs, who would know?

> But I'm glad the outrage worked. It's the best thing to happen to cattle
> ranchers and it does show that the free market does indeed work

It's going to go into dog food, that's for sure. Maybe end up being
fed to cattle or pigs. Just because something's not fit for human
consumption doesn't mean it will go to waste.