Dr Beans
On May 17, 2:14*am, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> Start by slicing and sauteeing the "trilogy" (or if you like, "trinity")
> of onion, green bell pepper, and de-stringed celery until soft.
> Season with Bay Seasoning (the commercial product) and some cayenne
> and black pepper. *Add in a decent amount of vegetable stock (but
> don't make it into a soup...). *Then add the already-cooked red beans.
> Proceed with another round of all seasonings. *Tangentially, "Bay
> Seasoning" is pretty salty so there is no need for additional salt.
> (Including when initially cooking the beans). *It will now be a slush
> or stew consistency.
> Prepare some short-grained brown rice. * There are now two ways to
> serve it: (1) Stir in some file' powder into the bean mixture, then
> serve immediately over rice. *(2) Serve the bean mixture over rice,
> then sprinkle file' on each serving, perhaps as per each diner's
> request.
> I might also add a few drops of "El Yucateno" habanero sauce, but that
> is optional.
Thanks. But, not that it's the be all and end all, when it
comes to popeyes red beans and rice, I think most of the taste comes
from the bacon. Just a guess. But it's not like your recipe is
inferior to popeyes recipe - it could be better - it's just that with
popeyes the main taste comes from the bacon, which of course has salt
in it. Anyway thanks again.