Bread box?
until the house burnt i had a wooden roll top one, but i used it mostly for
decoration, and when i started making bread with no preservatives it then
stored the bread knives and bread cutting guide, so would i get another one,
no not enough counter space here, and since frig/freezer bread doesn't
bother me i just keep it there... but we do need a bigger freezer, Lee
"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Do you use one? If so... What kind?
> I ask because my Greek Flatbread got moldy again! It does not expire
> until the 23rd. My honey whole wheat bread from Costco is perfectly fine.
> I have written to the manufacturer about the bread. That would be Alexis.
> Because not only was it moldy but crumbly like it was spoiled. The
> ingredient list says they put Calcium Propionate and Potassium Sorbate to
> control spoilage. But apparently those things are not working!
> But I got to thinking. I have two bread boxes. Both are the same model.
> Wood. I had to get them when we lived in NY because we had mice. And
> since it was a military apartment and we were relying on their
> exterminator to rid of us of the mice...well...oh well! Anyway... Both
> boxes are probably 9 or 10 years old. I am not even using one currently.
> It is just out in the garage. But the one I am using? Well, maybe the
> porous wood has gotten some mold spores in it? Just a thought.
> I just ordered a new one. Chrome with a clear plastic front on it. And
> it says it is ventilated in the back. My current boxes are not ventilated
> and they are dark inside. From what I have read about mold, it needs
> darkness to grow. So I am hoping this new one will do better for me. In
> the meantime I am going to go put box boxes in the give away box. My
> bread will just have to sit out on its own until the new box arrives. It
> is a large size and it got a good rating. The reviewers said it will hold
> two loaves and a pack of English muffins.