"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 19 May 2012 00:02:33 +0100, Janet wrote:
>> In article >, says...
>>> If that's the case then it wasn't *MY* poor hygeine seeing as how I had
>> to
>>> throw out THREE packages of bread that were never opened.
>> Since you shop seven times a week and your family hardly eats any bread
>> why on earth do you buy three loaves at once ? No wonder they don't keep.
> I suspect she bought them sequentially. Why she bought them and held
> onto them until they went south, without opening, then continued to
> buy more is the sign of well... somebody who doesn't learn from
> mistakes.
Nobody seems to get what I am saying! They went South long before they are
expired! The company is doing something wrong. Putting the wrong
expiration dates on them? Not using the right recipe? Bagging them wrong?
I don't know. Four times I had bread that was moldy before its time. I
assumed it was a fluke the first couple of times. But I no longer assume
that. But why the whole wheat bread and not the other?