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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default OT - What is washing soda?

On May 18, 2:07*pm, George M. Middius > wrote:
Tommy Joe wrote:

> > * I use an entire small box of baking soda to
> > wash the clothes.

> How many baskets full of laundry--10? 15?

I do my laundry at an all nite laundromat even though there are
a few in this apartment building. I prefer the industrial strength
jobs. Good dryers too. I don't know how many baskets. I do my
laundry once a week. I use the same method I've used for years. I
have an old sheet here that I spread out on the bed, then I pour my
dirty clothes from a large basket onto the sheet, plus whatever other
clothes are hanging around dirty. I fold it at the corners and carry
it like a Santa Claus bag. I put the sheet in with the wash. When
it's done and dried I spread the sheet out on a table and then fold my
clothes onto the sheet before rolling up the four corners and tying
them and swinging it over my back to take to the car or to walk home
with if I'm in a healthy enough mood to feed my masochistic desires
for the day. I don't know by basket count, but it's a large load, and
I do it all in one machine with colors mixed, all cotton type stuff,
nothing delicate. When I'm in the laundry all alone at night, I'm the
only sensitive thing in there.